Monday, October 05, 2009

just a note

You might be all i dream of, but i first dream of love,
you might have my hearts lock and chains , but i still own all its contains,
i might have surrendered my thoughts to your wisdom, but your logic- as to me - convinces me seldom,
i might have chosen the right person , but you have taught me a bitter lesson,
whats right in my heart , may be the one that most hurt,
im tired and weary, and you've made it less teary ,
but im sorry to tell you, i see most of you clearly,
a king losing war, and a lost keyless door,
i reach out to touch you, and find you just too far,
i can say i aint lucky, i can wish i was more,
but if you dont accept my strength , than dont accept my amour,
its hard leaving a friend , its difficult too to amend, to find for us an end,
where i feel whole again,
its not nice to lose a lover, its even worse to lose a giver, but what can i do , if u give what i cant spend??
i just need a strong arm to lean on, and you say sorry and you're gone,
what use is a loved one if they cant be the one??? if they cant be the one???

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